One of the most important phases of the leather finishing is ironing. It is done in different moment and at different pressures in order to optimize the adhesion of the applied chemicals, this fostering the creation of an homogeneous film and improving the feeling of the surface of the finished article.
Bergi Company, in its constant strive to offer its customers functional, flexible and highly performing working instruments, proposes the new updated model of one of its most iconic and successful machineries: the Unipress in its new Vario version.
Vario: the new version of Unipress
The new model mostly stands out from the previous ones for its characteristic of increasing and/or decreasing the contact surface between the operative roller and the leather from a minimum of 10 mm to a maximum of 140. This new feature, together with the diameter of 700 mm of the operative cylinder, offers an outstanding range of ironing possibilities.
The Unipress Vario, thanks to these essential characteristics, is able to offer the greatest variety of ironing combinations both in intermediate and final staged, giving the leathers quality, brilliancy, softness and that uniqueness that every tanner wants to give to his articles.
The possibility to adjust the working temperature up to 160°C, and to set the working pressure from a minimum of 20 up to 250 kg/linear cm together with the presence of loading cells, that control the tension of the felt conveyor, make the Unipress Vario a flexible, versatile and complete working instrument for all tanneries.
However Bergi, to make this model even more performing, added, among the optional extras, an accessory already available for the other ironing and embossing machines of its range i.e. the preheating system on the feeding conveyor that, together with the last generation 4.0 touch screen panel for the management of the machine’s parameters, make this model an authentic top-of-the-line.
Besides all these innovations, Unipress Vario keeps and implements all those performance and realiability features that make this model one of the most appreciated and successful models of Bergi range.
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