The ROTOINCO is a machine for the application of “multipoint” effects and designs on full hides of huge dimensions. Differently from other producers, ROTOINCO is made exclusively with the gantry-type roller changing system. This important choice has been made because it permits to connect the driving motor to the operative roller through two toothed wheels thus avoiding any gap between the mechanical parts. This solution guarantees a very precise transfer of the design from the roller to the leather. The ROTOINCO is a machine created to make double tone effects on finished upholstery leathers.
The machine is supplied with a 5 or more position gantry and the operative rollers can be of different kinds according to the process:
- Pyramidal-Truncated for the application of oils, waxes on the grain or for the application of aromas of fixing products on the fibres of the flesh side;
- Photoengraved rollers for cloudy effects, aged effects or imitations of embossing grains like hair-cells, exotic animals etc.